Book Review 20
Title: Science and Technology of Organic Farming
ISBN 13: 9781439816127
Published: 2010
Pages: 224
Cost: $64.17
Rating (1-5): 4
Submitted By: Noaman, Maher Mohammed
Date posted: October 12, 2011
Outstanding information about organic farming.
Science and Technology of Organic Farming is written by Allen V. Barker, Professor of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA. He has over 45 years of research and teaching experience in organic and conventional agriculture and has interests in plant nutrition, soil fertility, organic farming and gardening, and hydroponics. The introduction of the book states that the science of organic farming has emerged as a combined study of soil fertility, plant pathology, entomology, and other biological and environmental sciences. Public interest in minimizing the use of chemical inputs in agriculture is increasing the demand for organically grown foods. Not only organic farming is a philosophy, but also is a well-researched applicable science, for which methods of application are presented in this practical text. Organic farming is said to be the original, mainstream form of agriculture. Before the development of synthesized fertilizers and pesticides, practices of crop rotation and fertilization with animal manures and legumes were the options available to most farmers to maintain crop productivity. Organic farming offers a scientifically derived method of improving soil fertility and for increasing yields with limited chemical inputs.
The book includes 14 chapters covering up-to-date important topics such as soil fertility and plant nutrition, individual plant requirements, liming farm manures, green manures and composts, mulching and tillage, and weed, insect, and disease control, as well as companion planting and storage. The book also includes more than 50 illustrations and a glossary with common technical and scientific terms used in conventional and organic agriculture.
This book could be used as a practical handbook of organic farming and a reference work for anyone interested in organic farming. It also gives information on how to assess and manage the nutritional status of crops and the fertility and condition of soil. It should be of great significance to farmers, agricultural advisers and extensionists, soil and plant scientists in both academic and industrial fields. It is presented in an easy-to-use format.