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Feedback on Conservation Funding | American Society of Agronomy Skip to main content Science Policy Report | Dec 7, 2022 | USDA Announcements, Call for Feedback on Conservation Funding December 7, 2022 - Rachel...the newsletter. New reports and articles with policy-relevant scientific findings. Funding alerts to power your research with tips for creating more effective proposals. Let’s dive in. A new Agricultural.... This new virtual center will accelerate research on diet-related chronic diseases, including cancer. A long-term goal of the center is to translate research into impactful solutions that improve public...

With such a diverse membership, it is not unusual for Societies’ members to disagree on research or policy directions, but responses were remarkably similar in this case, falling into the categories... Invest in communication “Formula Funds” need to be clearly explained on the website Most importantly, respondents requested clear explanations of what formula funds are and how they are calculated. This...This information would improve NIFA transparency, funding process, and organizational structure. One respondent explained, “Most of us, even those who benefit from these programs, have no clue how these...

What about the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research? 12. What is the status of the Farm Bill currently being debated in Congress? 13. What happens if...organizations establish credibility by sending food promptly when a disaster strikes. To address these issues, the programs have changed. The National School Lunch Program, for example, continues to distribute...States National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977,” which consolidated funding authorizations and policy guidance for USDA’s agriculture research, extension, and teaching programs...

Success 11 Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS) 11 Timeline and Priority Chart 11 Recommendation Implementation Timeline Error! Bookmark not defined. 3 Introduction At the American...efforts will be focused on compiling ASA, CSSA, and SSSA policies and procedures and raising seed funding for actions through the Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) and broader engagements. Phase 2: Establish...Societies, including funding, communications, member services, partnerships, and leadership/governance. Major accomplishments include: i) Funding operational budgets for DEI research and development, ii)...

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A request for initial funding was created based on the selected vendor pricing, and the request was approved by the ASF Boards...An ACS Diversity networking social organized by Susan Chapman. Additionally, a separate Diversity Research and Showcase Poster session was organized by Susan Chapman. WG 2: Training and Education Working...(57%), and Microaggressions (60%). Further, participants describe Implicit Bias as the most prevalent issue (51%) they face along with recruiting diverse candidates (46%), understanding other perspectives (45%)...

one or several agricultural and environmental disciplines; results with immediate impact on the research of others and requiring rapid publication; and methods manuscripts introducing innovative techniques...cross-disciplinary research or addressing emerging issues are of particular interest. Also accepted are manuscripts that provide commentary on relevant issues (e.g., issues related to science, policy, research trends...published under the following categories: Research Letter. Manuscripts that provide research information and other related information, up to 2500 words in length. Research letters include an abstract and may...

compiles, and a failure to collect it today means that it will never be available for future use in charting historic trends and their causes. Scientists use County Estimates to compare different practices... and then to sell. County Estimates are also used to allocate funding resources for agriculture research. With a limited amount of funding, it is vital that grant money goes to support the development...agriculture. It is a serious concern that asking NASS to reinstate these estimates will simply pull funding from another program, resulting in another threat to agricultural knowledge and productivity. We...

org Reducing cadmium levels in cacao Researchers are working to help cacao farmers manage harmful cadmium levels in the soil October 7, 2020 - Chocolate...David Argüello and a team of researchers in Ecuador and Belgium set out to find ways to lower how much cadmium from the soil gets into the cacao trees. “The cadmium issue threatens the livelihood of farmers...Traditionally in science, researchers would look at studies of other crops to see what works to prevent cadmium uptake. Something commonly added to the soil to help with this issue is lime, a compound derived...

from all parts of the world Hefty Seeds- Home of Ag PhD TV show and large research farm USDA ARS- USDA North Central Ag research facility Tour 4- L G Everist Quarry- Operational quarry mining several rocks...Village and archaeological site Gehl Manufacturing- Agricultural Manufacturing Pioneer Research- Corn and soybean research facility Speakers We are aiming to have a diverse selection of speakers during our...our conference. Friday and Saturday keynote speakers will hit on very important issues in agriculture. Currently, our Saturday night keynote speaker will focus on how to promote modern ag in a society that...

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Recent issues of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA journals also provide examples of the desired format. Be consistent in whatever...papers published in the scientific journals of the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA must be original reports of research. Submission of a scientific manu- script for review is understood to imply that the work is original...headings. Differentiate between the heading levels in your manuscript. For style, examine recent issues of the publication to which the manuscript will be submitted. In most ASA, CSSA, and SSSA journals...