The Leadership Webinar Series

This members-only series was designed to provide you with useful information and insights into the management and administration roles you may currently be in or are moving towards. The series is a collaboration between ASA, CSSA, SSSA and the American Seed Trade Association.  Thank you to Jonathan Shaver, Envision Partners, for moderating the webinar series.

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Managing Through Organizational Change

Change comes from all directions. There are changes we choose and changes that we do not choose. The path is the same. In this webinar, we will learn about managing ourselves through these changes in order to keep our focus while maintaining awareness of what’s going on around us. We will hear from an organizational leader and an employee in the organization to get two perspectives on managing through organizational change. 
Speakers: Bethany Drendel, DuPont; Julie Day, DuPont

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Supervising Former Peers

Only one person can be promoted to lead the team. The new supervisor-report relationship of former team members, friends, or rivals, changes the dynamic. This webinar will discuss the important first steps a new manager should take to establish the norms and boundaries needed to establish the new relationship. How will we operate when we disagree, when we agree? How does this change our relationship outside of work? How do I appear to be a fair team leader? How do I ensure that I really am being fair?
Speakers: Samantha Miller, PhD, Beck’s Hybrids; Tom Koch, PhD, Plant Breeder, Beck's Hybrids 

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Managing Conflict

Conflict has many definitions and comes in many forms. In this webinar, we want to focus on positive/healthy conflict required to fully expose potential pitfalls in a plan, to maximize accountability and to provide full transparency.  This kind of conflict only occurs when there is trust between those involved. This webinar can be about dealing with our own conflicts or helping others to have healthy conflicts.
Speakers: Debbie Tucker, Bayer US; Brad May, Bayer US

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The Art of Delegation

When done well, delegation is one of the most powerful skill sets for leaders. For many, however, it is one of the most difficult to start. Delegation can feel like a loss of control and it can feel like it takes more time. However, it also provides growth opportunities for others, which supports succession planning in your organization. Another benefit of delegation is that it frees up time on your schedule to focus on those activities that only you can do, and it provides opportunity for you to take on new challenges and practice new skills.  
Speakers: Oswaldo Lopez Sanchez, RiceTec; Traci LaChance, RiceTec

two women talking at work in a hallway

Getting (Better) Feedback

Getting feedback is important for both team members and team leaders. Feedback prevents us from repeating career-limiting mistakes and can move already good performance to great performance. People are generally hesitant to give the kind of feedback that gives us real insight into our strengths and weaknesses. How do we create the conditions so that we get more and better feedback on our performance, behaviors and attitude? How do we make it easier for others to help us, especially in areas in which we are unaware of the need to improve?  While it is also not easy to receive such feedback, encouraging quality feedback will help us grow into more valuable employees and better leaders. 
Speaker: Karl Johnson, Syngenta

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Leading Across Generations: Communicating with Influence

Effective communication is a key requirement of leadership. In communication, there are many barriers to understanding and to being understood. Generational differences represent a class of communication barriers that are likely unseen and can be a source of frustration. This webinar will highlight how to improve our communication methods to bridge and even promote the valuable generational differences that exist in all workplaces. This webinar is for all employees who want to hear from their peers on what has worked for them to build relationships and be effective communicators.  This is a live webcast.
Panelists: Wayne Gale, President, Stokes Seeds; Elizabeth Stulberg, Science Policy Manager, ASA-CSSA-SSSA; Andrew Lauver, 2011 ASTA FuSE Campus Connection Program Intern
